Are your days filled with so much to do that you don’t take time for the simpler things in life anymore? I know the feeling. Sometimes I get so immersed in work and people that I lose sight of what is going on around me.
One day as I was walking out my front door I noticed an aroma that was so sweet and refreshing that I looked around to see where it came from. A rose bush that had been full of new rose buds days earlier now was bursting forth into a beautiful display of fragrant roses. I walked over to the bush and bent down to smell the roses. It was a magical experience. The aroma awakened my senses in such a way that it lifted me out of my blue mood. How long had it been since I had stopped to smell roses or any other flower for that matter? Life just passes us by without enjoying the simple pleasures of the day.
God created the beauty of nature for our enjoyment. That’s why on vacations we go to the beach, watch the waves, and gaze upon the sunsets. It is why we are drawn to the majesty of the snow capped mountains layered in beautiful pine trees. But as great as these places are we don’t have to go there to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation. His beauty is all around us everyday but sometimes we miss what is growing and blooming right under our feet. Flowers. Grass. Trees. Not only do we see it but the Lord has given nature a beautiful fragrance. We just don’t pay attention to it.
When was the last time you bent down and smelt the flowers in your yard, at the nursery, or the grocery store? It may be to long….I have a friend that says, “Flowers are for the living”. I agree. I love to send flowers for birthdays, Holidays, or any other occasion that would encourage someone.
Why don’t you go outside and look at the tree’s, the beautiful grass, or find a rose bush and bend over and just smell the roses. It will fill your senses with the sweetest perfume and it will bring a smile to your face. Notice what is around you, relax and enjoy…
For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. Song of Solomon 2:11-12 NKJV